If you believe that
everyone is a marketer (or should be), as I
, then Seth
Godin’s post today
is a great reminder of our accountability. 

“Marketing (the use of
time and money to create a story and spread it) works. Human beings don’t make
rational decisions, they make emotional ones, and we’ve seen time and again
that those decisions are influenced by the time and money spent by marketers.”

We’ve talked about how
people make decisions

When we market ideas
within our company, we are using our knowledge and influence to impact the
decision making process.

We may be stating facts
and figures, but we tend to showcase the ones that strengthen our case.   

It could very well be
because we believe in our case, but a little self-diagnostic couldn’t hurt.

Is the project we want to
get started really for the benefit of our company and our customers?  

If you were the CEO, would
you think your project was the best way to spend limited time and money? If not, why not?

We are all accountable for
what we market and sell – even if we’re selling ideas within our own company.