How valuable is it to meet new people or hear new
Must every person we meet or every place we go be
classified as business or personal?
Isn’t business personal? Doesn’t my personal growth impact my
We can get into a discussion of tangible and
intangible benefits, but I hate the idea of reducing my relationships to
accounting terminology.
I’m a whole person, interacting with other whole
people, working hard, and having a whole lot of fun in the process.
I realize I’m likely preaching to the choir. But for those that aren’t singing, I’ve
coined a new accounting-like phrase.
From now on everything I do for which there is no
apparent immediate value I’m calling pre-tangible.
It all educates me, expands my thinking, or
redirects my approach (to life and business). It’s all valuable.
Some of it just doesn’t look that way yet!
John Hogan!!!
It’s great to “see” you. Send me an email and let me know what you’ve been up to!
Pre-tangible. I LOVE that. I’m going to use it but will give the attribution when possible. 😉
Hope all is well.
April – It’s so true. It’s all personal. That’s what makes it so interesting (and rewarding).
Liz – Leave it to you to come out with the perfect sound bite! “It’s the waiting for the tangible that makes the pretangible suspect, not without value.” I couldn’t agree with you more.
Of course we all need to eat. I’m in business and understand how to make money, but to expect something tangible out of every interaction whether now (or later) is sad – and shows no faith.
This word came up in jest (as you know) to get one or two “naysayers” off my back – or at least to back them up a little so I could breathe!
I am pretangible in so many things I do. It’s the waiting for the tangible that makes the pretangible suspect, not without value. I’m with you.
I am singing!
My business is very personal – in order to help my clients, I have to get to know them on a real level – what they do(not) want, what they can(not) do. Most of the time, when I get to know them, we both discover new things.
My networking is personal – I like to get to know the people I connect with. If business happens, great. If not, great still – I can always learn, teach, help, support.
What isn’t personal about that?