I added a “Linked In”
button on my left side bar a few weeks ago.
A colleague of mine first
pointed me to Linked In about 3 years
ago. It was an interesting way to put
together a professional
profile and then link to the profiles of others you know.
It didn’t really catch on
back then and I forgot all about it.
A few months ago I started
getting Linked In invitations again, several each week.
So, I dusted off my
profile and started using it.
I’m really curious as to why
Linked In is catching on now.
The website statistics
on Alexa show a big jump in popularity in May (right around the time I
started getting more invitations).
Did it reach its tipping
Did it introduce new features that make
it more attractive?
If any of you know the
Linked In story, I’d really love to hear it!
Ann –
That is neat post about LinkedIn. I never realized that as a prospective candidate you might want to point people to LinkedIn to read the endorsements others have written about you. I’ve just started sending requests for endorsements. They didn’t have that feature when I used LinkedIn several years ago.
Thanks for stopping by!
Ann — Harry Joiner offers up some interesting keys to leveraging Linked In here (stuff I hadn’t thought of, frankly!):
Heather – that is a neat new feature. I’ll have to browse the groups and see if I should belong to any of them!
Also, check out there LinkedIn Groups: