Blogging was
about traffic and links

1. Post
regularly (at least twice a week).

2. Produce
meaningful, well written, and well presented content.

3. Stay focused
on your topic (so people know what to expect from you).

4. Read and
comment on other blogs.

5. Link to
other blogs when and where it supports your topic.

As blogging has matured, relationships
and community have become more important in building a successful blog

Reading, commenting, and linking alone are action items. They’re temporary and anteseptic if there is
no relationship being created.

The real power of blogging is that it’s one more way to forge meaningful relationships with people and
actively participate in communities and conversations

Blogging is
now about relationships

1. Build
relationships with other bloggers and communities whether directly related to
your topic or not.

a. Participate
in other blogs. Converse, commune, and enhance those blogs as best you can.

b. Take the
conversation off the blog. Email, call,
or personally meet other bloggers.

c. Connect and
be connected. Learn about those in your
community. Find people with like
interests or issues. How could you help
them be successful? How might they help

2. Let people
get to know you. Stay focused on your
topic, but be yourself. 

3. Produce
meaningful, well written, and well presented content.

4. Post regularly
(at least twice a week).  Engage people
that comment on your posts.

After about 15 months of blogging, I’ve found that my favorite
bloggers (the ones I read on a regular basis) are almost all relationship

But that’s no surprise!

Blogging is just one more way for us to do what we do naturally –


If relationship blogging is interesting to you, I highly suggest
you register for SOBCon07. This event is
completely focused on how relationship blogging can take
your blog to the next level

I will be there and I would love to meet you!