Is there any point in
stating our values?

I think there is. That is, if we’re going to take them

When so many things are in
flux values can be our rudder.

If we define our values well
and use them to guide our decisions, we should be more satisfied with our
actions and their outcomes. 

Accurately defining them
is tricky, though. 

We’re not always honest
with ourselves.

I’m starting an
experiment. I’ve identified what I think
I value and I’m going to try and use these values to guide my decisions.

What work do I want? What work do I want to avoid? 

Should I help my daughter
with a problem or just stand back and let her figure it out on her own?

I thought about a separate
list for work and life, but I don’t think I need one (remember

What I value

  1. Building relationships – supporting family, clients, colleagues, partners, etc. Learning from them and helping them learn. Listening to people and being heard.
  2. Solving problems – finding order in chaos (whether it’s the chaos of work or the chaos of raising three teen-agers)!
  3. Contributing – participating as much as I can.
  4. Learning – about everything and anything. I love to learn through people. Interaction is critical for me!
  5. Making decisions – picking a path, making progress, and adjusting as we go along.
  6. Being current – knowing what’s going on now and what’s coming. Watching for things that could shake everyone up.
  7. Being busy – I love action! Doing things!!
  8. Experimenting – trying new things and seeing what sticks.
  9. Figuring out what’s next and getting there – growth and change!

What are your personal

Once you have an idea,
consider this: Where do you think other people’s values differ from yours and how do those differences impact how you each
approach life or work? 

Managing change is largely
about managing value conflict.

This isn’t just an idle