Strategy without
execution is philosophy.
Anyone can talk
about what they’re going to do and how it’s going to enhance their business.
Without action,
it’s nothing more than a conversation.
Without action,
it quickly becomes a boring conversation.
Meetings alone
are not execution. Execution brings your
strategy to life. It keeps
everyone’s blood pumping. New and better
ideas emerge.
Strategies get
refined and organizations grow – people grow.
When they do they
come up with even better strategies – the cycle continues.
Philosophy can be
fun – but execution can be addictive!
Technorati tags: Business, "Change Management"
You know what, Ming – you’re right! I changed the name.
“Strategy without execution is philosophy.”
that would have made a better title:)
great post, and i like the new layout..
Ann, where were you in my professional life about ten years ago. I used to work for a company known for meeting and meeting about meeting. Death by meeting–and I died a thousand deaths there before I saw the light and moved on. Have a great weekend Ann.
What a wonderful reminder, Ann, for us to act rather than think and speak only… By the way I see action here that continues to inspire us all… Thanks for another good post…
Brain Based Business