
I was looking at the Fast
Company blog
today and they mentioned an article in the Wall Street Journal
Online entitled Why Management
Trends Quickly Fade Away

The article discusses a recent management study that appears in the April/May issue of the Academy of Management Journal (by Robert David and
David Strang). While the article covers
several ideas for why new fads are so short-lived, it seems as though the study fixates on
“marginally competent” consultants that market and sell ideas when they start
to gain popularity even though they have little or no experience with them.

While I consider the point
to be valid, it bothers me that the study does not seem to hold the companies
buying these services accountable for their part in buying into these fads and
applying them to their organizations.

Company Now
(the blog) is conducting a poll asking readers why
they think new management fads fail. The
choices they include are:

  • Consultants offer services in which they lack expertise
  • New ideas come and go faster and faster
  • People try to apply the same idea to too many dissimilar problems
  • New practices and processes don’t work for every organization  

You can probably guess my
two favorites from looking at The
Change Resistors: The Good
or Adapt
and Adopt

Interestingly, when last I
checked, the respondents and I agree.

What’s your opinion?

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