You are with two colleagues in a restaurant.
While you’re all looking at the menu, the
people at the next table start talking about their recent corporate acquisition – a company your employer recently sold!
You’re not trying to listen, but their table is literally
twelve inches from yours.
They’re talking about finances, staff, and their
opinions of the executive team. You know
every name they mention.
What do you do?
- Without disclosing your affiliation, politely inform them that you can hear their conversation.
- Tell them you’re affiliated with the seller.
- Take notes.
- As you leave ask them to say hello to all of your former colleagues!
- Nothing.
It never ceases to amaze me how easily we disclose
private or sensitive information in a public place.
Cell phones make it even worse.
The next time you’re on your cell in public take a
second to decide if what you’re discussing is fit for general consumption!
Hi Wally-
This really happened. My colleagues and I were so surprised that we never said anything (#5). After the initial shock wore off, we spent some time debating if and how we should say something but they left.
I personally was voting for #4 – thinking embarrassment might actually make them think twice the next time.
I would certainly be very glad that I was not in the company that was acquired. I do not want to be on the same team with people who don’t understand what information is sensitive and how to keep it confidential. Like you, though, I’m amazed at what people will talk about in a public place where they can easily be overheard.