Easton Ellsworth over at Business Blog Wire started the
practice of blog
earlier this year.

This month, I tip my blog

Marketing History

John Dodds is a
self-proclaimed “marketing deviant”. He
helps us consider issues like plinking,
, and the elephant
in the room. John:

  1. Although I don’t always agree with you, you make me think. I can count on you for an interesting perspective.
  2. I love that you enjoy your place on the D-Z list! It isn’t about rankings or revenue for you and it shows.
  3. You don’t just complain. You offer a plan of action!

TIP: I agree with Pam
(Escape from Cubicle Nation)! When will we get to see your smiling face on your blog?  

The Entrepreneurial MD

Philippa Kennealy is
an MD and a coach. She touches on many
of the issues we consider when exploring our entrepreneurial side – whether
we’re physicians or not.

  1. Philippa you write so clearly and you make your points so well. I always leave your blog with new ideas!
  2. You offer tools and techniques for putting those ideas into action.
  3. Your style is warm and inviting. I always feel welcome!

TIP: I would love to see
you blog about how you’ve helped your clients be successful entrepreneurs. Perhaps once a month you could feature a
client as a case study?

Liz Strauss is a
, an
, a
, a
, and an
. Everyone talks about Successful Blog (her “other” blog),
but I like Liz:

  1. You have a way of helping us find our direction.
  2. You make the most complicated issues feel simple to resolve.
  3. You support us on and off-line when we need it!

TIP: I am so happy to see
that you’re clarifying
your services as a professional manager
. You have a lot to offer people Liz, don’t be shy!