Each year, Delta Think's OA Market Sizing analyzes the value of the open access journals market. This is the revenue generated by providers or the costs incurred by buyers of content. We have seen two strong years of growth in the wake of COVID-19, as well as a shift in publishers’ focus in the wake of Plan S and exchange rate effects. Together these have compounded OA’s underlying strong growth and suggest a systemic acceleration in the growth of OA which we are now able to observe. We estimate the OA market to have accelerated ahead of our previous expectations, to around $1.6bn in 2021, growing to over $2bn in 2024 if current trends continue.
Headline findings
Updates to key industry indexes are released over the summer, and we combine these with benchmarks obtained from our publisher survey to size the market. We updated our models in 2022, which are examined in greater depth within our Open Access Data & Analytics Tool. Our revised models suggest the following headlines for market sizing:
We estimate that the OA market grew to around $1.6bn in 2021.
A note about our method
We aggregate data from our exclusive annual publisher survey – which now covers around two thirds of indexed global output, and just under half of everything in Crossref – and project it against patterns in the OpenAlex, Unpaywall and OpenAPC data sets to model the entire market.
The data sources change over time, so we restate our findings each year to reflect the latest data available. Even a few weeks’ difference in timing of analysis can make a significant difference in results.
We normally base our analysis on underlying trends to avoid misleading headlines resulting from short term fluctuations we see in the data. However, where there are exceptional off-trend events – as we witnessed with COVID-19 – we must incorporate them into our models. Last year we were cautious in our assumptions as we did not want to over-state what might have been a short-term blip. This year we can now see that high growth rates are persisting, so have revised our models to reflect this and be more aggressive.
The exceptional growth we saw in 2020 continued through 2021. Results from our survey and anecdotal feedback give mixed messages for 2022. Some publishers are expecting good growth to continue through 2022, albeit at slightly lower levels, while others expect a falling back and correction in 2022. The effects on underlying trends suggest that OA has systemically accelerated over the last two years, and we have revised our figures upwards accordingly.
In normal times, we see fluctuations in growth from one year to the next around a clear underlying trend. We usually focus on the underlying trend, so we avoid misleading headlines of explosive growth followed by collapse. Last year we saw that COVID-19 had led to an increase in publishing activity. We noted that it was too soon to tell if this was a one-off blip, or whether underlying trends were shifting.
This year it has become apparent that the exceptional growth in OA was more than a single-year event. It seems that the growth in OA has accelerated, and that the underlying trends are changing. Last year the high growth rates seemed exceptional, and we did not want to overstate their effects. This year they seem normal – or at least, less abnormal – so we can be bolder in our assumptions. This has resulted in our revising our figures upwards compared with previous estimates.
The law of averages suggests that the exceptionally high growth rates will fall back to underlying trends. However, it is too soon to tell if this will be a sharp correction, or whether things will gradually slow as OA takes increasing share and simply runs out of room to grow.
The underlying drivers of policy changes and of publishers’ responses to them remain in play. The macroeconomic situation and outlook have deteriorated since last year, but it is too soon to tell what effects it will have on academic and research funding, and therefore on our market.
As always, each organization’s situation is different. We work with organizations to analyze the impact of these trends on their portfolios. Subscribers to our OADAT tool can see detailed breakdowns of fully OA, hybrid, and other revenues, along with projections the coming years, and more detailed analyses and commentary about market drivers. Please get in touch if you want to know more.
This article is © 2022 Delta Think, Inc. It is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Please do get in touch if you want to use it in other contexts – we’re usually pretty accommodating.
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