"The secret of change is to focus all your
energy, not on fighting for the old, but on building the new." – Socrates
Control is the
and participation are the “new”.
The old system
was closed. Gatekeepers determined the
rules of the game, what was created, and how it was distributed.
The new system
is open. Consumers and creators
determine the rules, what is created, and how it’s consumed.
The old way was
exclusive. A limited number of people were
able to participate.
The new way is
inclusive. There are few barriers to
entry. Almost anyone who wants to dive
in can!
What does the
new system mean to you?
How can you use
it to build better products or provide better services?
What’s next?
Tim – What a great perspective! It’s like we’re back on the shop floor “face-to-face” with the customer. I love it.
I’ve been reading a few CEO blogs and I’ve found them really interesting for just that reason.
If you didn’t see this on Tom Peters’ blog, you should also check out:
It’s interesting to note that even when you don’t necessarily try to be in the conversation you could be pulled in at any time!
Ann – It means that I’m able to get to know my customers as well as prospective customers on another level that wasn’t possible before things like blogs began to change the face of how businesses operate on the web. It means that we are returning to a time when the owners of a business used to care about the people they sold their products too. I’m intrested to see if this way of thinking will also return to the face to face encounters between buyer and seller.