I’m less nerdy than Phil
But unlike Phil I was trying to prove that I WASN’T
a nerd (geek or whatever you’d like to call it).
I did have to figure out how to center that image by editing the HTML.
I centered some text in Word, copied it into Typepad, went into edit HTML mode, figured out which tags were different from the non-centered paragraphs, and then figured out where to put those tags in the image HTML.
That sounds kind of nerdy to me – so now I’m depressed!
Interesting interpretation, Phil. Here’s what the American Heritage Dictionary says:
-A foolish, inept, or unattractive person.
-A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.
-A person regarded as foolish, inept, or clumsy.
-A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.
-A carnival performer whose show consists of bizarre acts, such as biting the head off a live chicken.
Except for the whole “chicken thing” they’re exactly the same!
Relationship Geek works because it’s a beautiful oxymoron.
Otherwise I don’t think either term would apply to us (because we’re pretty social!).
Perhaps we should be lobbying to change the dictionary!
Hey, geek and nerd aren’t the same. I don’t go to the Nerd Squad to get my computer fixed; I go to the Geek Squad. I’m not a Relationship Nerd; I’m a Relationship Geek. Semantic? Perhaps, but really, a Geek is an expert.
Nerds like calculators; Geeks like people. At least this one does 🙂
“Apparently” normal will get you every time!
You have, in fact, described accurately the “fringeness” of my existence.
However, my bet is that both of us operate like apparently normal people when the situation requires it.
Now I look forward to the conversation next week even more.
Keep writing…
Oh – a conspiracy theory. I love it!
Actually I suspect that you and I might be the kind of people that are always operating at the fringes and never solidly in one group or another. (I just described my entire high school career)
Translation: we can speak some geek, but aren’t fully in the camp!
We’ll have to explore this over lunch when we meet later this month.
Oh, man, you lured me into the thing.
Guess what?
Also scored a 56. And spent last night messing with the advanced templates which actually worked.
Maybe be the real moral in all of this is: The IT people have–as we suspected–been using indecipherable language to cover up the fact that what they do can be understood by anyone.
Film at 11.
Think of it as a kind of “latent geek gene.”
You know, one of those things that you are really glad didn’t come out in high school but wonderful to have now.
You too 😉
You may be less nerdy, but you are still a great hugger Ann!