I got Jott to work on Twitter.
You can either elect to post immediately without transcription and a link is posted to an audio file or you can skip that and Jott will transcribe the audio and post text.
I tried it once on the blog and deleted it. This is my second try.
Maybe I’ll find a way to make this useful. Maybe I won’t, but experimenting is definitely fun and it’s certainly part of change now isn’t it? So stay tuned. listen
Powered by Jott
Update: I couldn’t resist the urge to change the font and add some space. Perhaps there’s no hope for me and audio blogging!
Hello Bernard!
Thanks for coming by. So far so good. The posting part of Jott is neat, but I really like it for personal organization.
It’s like having an assistant to take notes when things occur to you at inconvenient times!
Nice test of Jott.
If what you say ever gets lost in transcription do let us know!