Do Doctors Twitter?

Do they Pownce?

Are they LinkedIn?

Are they on Facebook?

Publishers want to positively impact the practice
of medicine by providing physicians with accurate information when, where, and
how it’s most useful to them.

When you listen to doctors, and when you observe
them, one point is very clear.

The first place a physician goes to ask a question
is to a colleague.

So… does that colleague need to be right next to

Couldn’t they be using a social
networking tool?

Why couldn’t communities of physicians be formed to
address the medical inquiries of other physicians (via web, cell phone, or any
wireless device)?

Security could be built in (identity and
credential verification). Communities
could be moderated by an expert.

Let’s go one step further.

Journals have editorial boards.

Why not allow physicians to subscribe to
those boards (or new groups created for this purpose) and have the output of
the board’s effort be a journal and
moderated live interaction with physicians?

Those interactions could be stored and queried,
yielding a knowledge base and a source of future publications.

More important, physicians would get the personal
attention they seek from a colleague and be able to forge new relationships
with others in their network.

Couldn’t that positively impact the practice of