I hate questions like

I don’t like them because they
are divisive and limiting

A more interesting
question is: How might online video and TV

Did TV replace radio? Or did TV bring another new medium to the
table to appeal to (yet undiscovered) consumer preferences? 

Does the online video
“channel” represent another way to allow customers to shape their content consumption
according to their preferences?

Could online video actually
increase the overall number of people consuming video content (including
television programming)

“Jeff Gaspin, president of
NBC’s digital content, says … "Streaming our shows online absolutely
promotes back to the original series and increases viewership."” (Newsweek)

Rather than trying to
argue over how big a piece of the pie each platform grabs, wouldn’t it be
better to figure out how to make the pie bigger for everyone? 

On a related point, isn’t
it interesting that while some networks
are actively trying to protect their copyrights, it apppears as though they are also attempting to stiff their writers

Consistency and

In my opinion, whoever can
master those skills will fare well in this evolutionary process.