reported some interesting statistics based on a weekly earnings call with
Disney CEO Bob Iger:
- users have requested more than 19M episodes of the six television series ABC offers on their website.
- Nearly 500,000 Disney movies and 12M ABC TV episodes have been sold on iTunes. TV episodes were launched in October 2005, so 12M downloads represents roughly 1M per month.
If 125,000 movies produced
$1M in revenue in September, we can assume that 500,000 movies produced about
$4M in revenue.
Television episodes are usually
$1.99 on iTunes. 12M downloads should
represent a little less than $24M in revenue – bringing the total Disney
revenue from iTunes to about $28M.
Episodes are offered for
free on
also reports: “Since June, 53 million episodes and shorts…have been played at In the last quarter,
Disney posted its “highest ever” ratings for total day and prime time with kids
6-11 and tweens 9-14.”
I like Iger’s
perspective. “TV viewing and web use can
reinforce rather than cannibalize each other when you have a terrific product.”