EBSCO produces more than 375 full-text and secondary research databases and over 550,000 e-books plus subscription management services for 360,000 e-journals, e-journal packages and print journals. EBSCO also provides point-of-care decision support tools for healthcare professionals and organizational learning resources for training and development professionals.
Delta Think consultants have supported the creation of long-range product plans for EBSCO’s portfolio of clinical reference tools. We began with a competitive landscape analysis and a market sizing/growth analysis. We guided the EBSCO teams through the development of multi-generational product plans, which optimized the potential for continued growth and market approval of future iterations.
Our consultants led a contextual research project (Level 3 market research engagement) to understand user behavior, the competitive landscape, potential business models, and content opportunities. We focused on the customers’ usage, workflows, information needs and preferences. These in-depth insights led to future product development and product improvements.
We have also regularly worked with EBSCO to assist in developing their clinical reference tools. As the EBSCO team embarked on an effort to update certain systems, they engaged with us to analyze the disease coverage across tools.