‘Twas the night before
Blogtipping Day and all through the house,
Not a creature was
stirring, not even my spouse.
All the bookmarks were set
in my browser with care,
In the hopes that my links
would be quick to prepare.
All the bloggers were
waiting to see how they did,
Hoping for link love –
they all felt like kids!
And, I at my computer,
with my dog on my lap,
Had just settled in for my
monthly recap.
I started to type,
spreading good cheer,
When a noise in my yard
was all I could hear.
I ran to the window, my
dog jumped to her feet
And I gasped as I saw who
was out there to meet.
With a
prolific blogger, at the root of the plan
knew in a moment it was Easton, The Man!
Yoda in tow and Pez for us all,
linked to all those that had answered his call…
There’s more!
2 by Mike at Converstations
3 by Phil at Make It Great
Grand Finale by Lady Liz at Successful
love you, Easton!
What a great way to say thank you and attaboy, Ann! The best part is seeing Easton blush. 🙂
Wait until you read the rest on Mike, Phil and Liz’s blogs. We really had fun with this – and, we appreciate all that you do! Blogging wouldn’t be the same without you!
Oh … my … goodness.
This is INSANELY funny – well, at least to me – and honestly, truly very appreciated. I’m blushing!
Great poetic skills – it’s almost as though you’re paying homage to some other poet ;).
Happy Blogtipping Day to you and all the others, Ann!