To celebrate Successful Blog’s first birthday, Liz
Strauss is having a party (and Liz has GREAT parties!). The cost of admission is a 25 word
description of her blog:
Successful Blog is about writing, learning, and
making friends.
Liz is known for sharing the keys to her community.
What would YOU do with them?
Happy Birthday, Liz!!
PS – Here’s the other one
I wrote which I personally like better – but at 26 words it doesn’t get me in
the party. I hate rules.
I love to read Successful Blog.
I hope some day I’ll be one.But If I can’t I won’t despair
I know I’ll always read one!
UPDATE: Eureka! A birdie told me that if I just took out the "but" it would qualify as a 25 word entry!!! Liz dear, if you’re out there this is now my official entry!!!
Hmmm….Roger it seems as though you may have given the naughty one a little too much thought! 🙂
I’ll leave it to you to commit your version to posterity.
Nice going! You’re not one to shrink from a challenge.
Now let’s see the naughty one!
; – )
(but don’t go for the Strauss and blouse angle)
I like it! I like it!
OK Roger – you’re on!
My buddy, her name is Liz
Is known to bubble and fizz
Her blog is fun –
The Successful one
She should write as a biz
That’s 25 words on the nose.
I admit not the greatest of prose.
But it does the job –
And answers your lob
Although some might say that it blows!
OK – shutting off the computer now!
Hi Ann,
Here’s a challenge: do it as a haiku!
Or even better: how about a Liz Strauss limerick? (tough to do with 25 words, but I bet you can — but keep it clean).