I blog to communicate, to
learn, to write, and to clarify my thoughts.

Even though increasing traffic isn’t my primary goal, blog statistics have been a fun way to gauge
reaction to what I’ve written.

My blog statistics may not
be overly impressive (if you want impressive go look at Technorati’s top 100!), but it has been interesting to watch readership and page views increase at a slow and steady rate over time.

Feedburner tells me how many
subscribers I have.


tells me my “rank” as compared to other blogs.

StatCounter gives me both a general view of readership (below) and more detailed statistics. 

Currently 60% of my readers are in the US.

I can see from which states, cities, and ISP’s readers have come. I can see my most popular pages, keywords
on which people have searched, and visitor activity (which pages they went to,
in what order, and on what date).


There are many sites
offering to capture statistics on your blogs, these are just a few.

If you’re interested in
learning more about blogging and building community online, consider attending SOBCon07.

I’m going and I’m sure it
will be an education for all (early registration ends this week).